What are the benefits of cold-pressed oil using the new oil press?

Cold-pressed oil is a new type of oil that has no additives and does not have the negative effects of traditional high temperature oil-pressing. Cold-pressed product oils preserve the oil's natural flavor and color. They also retain all of the nutrients. This makes them the ideal oil for healthy lives. The cold pressing process requires secondary and tertiary presses to ensure oil extraction.

Benefits of cold-pressed oils:

1. Cold-pressed oils promote brain development, bone and nerve health, as well as preventing diseases such arteriosclerosis. They also help to prevent diabetes, heart disease, and other disorders.

2. Cold-pressed oils are rich in nutrients. They also contain high levels of unsaturated and essential fatty acids. Additionally, any residue of acid, metals, or cholesterol is effectively removed. Oil is clear and has a pleasant, natural scent.

3. The performance level of the raw oil presser is better than that of the national standard. Oil processing doesn't involve heating and frying the oil, and there is no need to peel off the shell. The oil can easily be pressed. The oil has a good quality and is very tasty. It is a 21st Century green edible oil presse.



What do you need to know about the necessary knowledge of oil pressing machine?

Open oil mills make it possible to produce safe and hygienic oils using oil press equipment.

Large Oil Presses Maintenance Plan.