Does it have any connection with the size of the cake?

The rate of oil output from the screw press doesn't just refer to a specific kind or oil-producing crop. It also is specifically targeted to meet specific requirements. For instance, if you look at peanuts, the rate of oil extraction for peanuts ranges between 42 percent and 47 percent however this is only an approximate summation. What is the rate of oil extraction of peanuts? It is impossible to generalize the peanut varieties, varieties, seeding, planting and storage. In these terms it is important to boost the yield of oil from peanuts. What can we do to ensure that the peanuts squeeze clear, make high-quality oil and improve the yield of oil? Let the technicians introduce these problems for you. 1. The peanut raw materials must be dried and then selected. The peanuts must be cleaned and dried prior pressing. A lot of people do not bother with this process of pretreatment. Raw materials that are not selected for peanuts will significantly reduce production of oil, they they al...